Global Leadership & Executive Coaching

This programme is designed for senior business leaders whose remit spans multiple and diverse regions and cultures

How do you lead across diversity yet maintain a clear sense of who are as a leader? How can you manage the expectations of diverse global reports, manage teams or team members in different countries whilst ensuring that the business delivers to an ever increasing diverse client population?

Run on a one-to-one or small group basis, the first step in this programme is the completion of a developmental psychometric, The International Profiler (IP). The feedback from this will form the basis of the programme focus, as participants subsequently work with their results in the workshop and follow-on coaching sessions.

Central to this programme is our practice is coaching. Our coaching interventions are tailored and customised to meet the individual needs. In the programme we create a balance of and draw on personal awareness, knowledge and the core skills of the participants and coach, thereby leading to good practice implementation.


A Global Excellence Global Leadership & Executive coaching programme will provide you with:

  • Feedback on their own approach to working and leading internationally and plan on how to close gaps between their present approach and the requirements of present or future roles
  • New insight into the challenges and responses of leaders operating outside of their familiar cultural context
  • An increase their range of behaviour options when managing and communicating with individuals and coordinating multi-cultural teams
  • Development of self-awareness of their preferred styles for interacting with people, and on the effect their style has in different national and organisational contexts

Contact us today for more information.